Thursday, December 23, 2010

Some more Newari dishes : recepies


- Buff meat
- Water Garlic paste Salt to taste
- Mustard oil
- Cumin seeds / powder
- Turmeric powder
- Bay leaves
- Chha (leek),
- Coriander Jimbu
- Chopped onion
- Chopped spinach
- Boil meat in water until it becomes sticky. Or boil it in presser cooker.
- Add salt, giger, garli, cumin, hin (asafoetida), turmeric, coriander, onion, bay leaves and spinach, during boiling.
- Heat the oil in pan and put cumin seeds, chha (leek) and jimbu and pour it in meat stir it well.
- Boil it again for a while.
- Then place it in cold area for a whole night or refrigerate it
- It is ready to serve.


Ingredients :
- Buff soup
- Ginger paste
- Garlic paste
- Red chili powder
- Jjhamsi
- Salt to taste
- Hin (Asafoetida)
- Cumin seeds/ powder
- Turmeric powder
- Bay leaves Chha (leek)
- Coriander leaves
- Mustard oil
- Sanya (dried and flat fish )
- Boil buff for 5 or 6 hours, or boil it in presser cooker until it becomes sticky.
- Add garlic, ginger, salt, turmeric, hin (Asafoetida), cumin powder, bay leaves , coriander and chili. ( Keep out the meat from soup.)
- Heat the oil in other ( bowl ) and fry the sanya, chha (leek)and cumin seeds. Few min. later add buff soup , and boil it for few min.
- Then pour the buff soup in bowl and place it in cold area for whole night or refrigerate it.
- Now it is ready .


Ingredient :
- Simpu
- Garlic paste
- Jimbu
- Ghee Salt to taste
- Coconut
- Cumin powder
- Soak the simpu for a whole night.
- Boil for 20 min. in presser cooker.
- Before boil add garlic paste, salt and cumin powder as required.
- After 20 min pour it in bowl and add ( chopped )coconut.
- Then heat the ghee in pan and put jimbu, when it will be dark, then pour it in simpu.
- Now the Simpu is ready to serve.


- Bhuti (long bean)
- Cumin powder
- Salt to taste
- Mustard oil
- Turmeric
- Soak the bhuti for a whole night.
- Boil the bhuti for 20 min. in presser cooker including salt and turmeric.
- Actually it is a dry dish so if water remain after boil, then throw it and put cumin powder and oil.
- The Bhuti is ready to serve.


- Lainsoo ( dried radish )
- Garlic paste
- Salt to taste
- Turmeric powder Cumin powder
- Mustard oil
- Bay leaves
- Garam masala ( cloves, dalchini )
- Chha (leek) Jimbu Buff soup
- Soak the lainsoo for a whole night.
- Boil it until it becomes soft.
- Squeeze the lainsoo and chopped it in big pieces.
- Heat the oil in karai, put fine chopped chha (leek), bay leaves, jimbu, turmeric powder and a table spoon of garlic paste.
- When it will be brown, add lainsu.
- Put garam masala, cumin powder, remaining garlic, salt and buff soup.
- Boil it for 15 min.
- The lainsoo is ready to serve.


- Buff meat
- Garlic paste
- Sliced onion
- Salt to taste
- Garam masala
- Sliced and chopped coconut
- Turmeric powder
- Cumin powder
- Fine chopped chha (leek)
- Mustard oil
- Bay leaves
- Chili powder
- Cut the meat
- Heat the oil.
- Fry onion, garlic, ginger, turmeric, chha (leek), bay leaves for few min.
- Add meat and fry for a while.
- Add remaining spices and coconut and boil until it will be soft.
- Dayakula is ready to serve.

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